The WorthWhile Spotlight ft. Kevin Latta

The WorthWhile Spotlight ft. Kevin Latta

Meet Kevin Latta,


Kevin is a local Attorney at Law here in Columbia, TN. He is someone who cares about what he does and tries to be the best version of himself for his clients and service he provides.


Like all of us, we go through changing periods of our life and have the choice to develop new routines and habits. Kevin has been on a 4 year journey of no alcohol and living routines and practices that equate to steps in his journey of becoming the best Kevin.


Along this path, he has taken up biking, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, cold showers and more. Tune in to this WorthWhile Spotlight episode to learn more about Kevin, what he does, who he is, and how he's changed his life for the better!


If you would like to reach out to Kevin regarding legal help you can find out more about his practice here:


The WorthWhile Spotlight:






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