The WorthWhile Spotlight #9 ft. Jordan Weidle

The WorthWhile Spotlight #9 ft. Jordan Weidle

Meet Jordan,

Jordan is a young entrepurner who has started his own home inspection business called Next Generation Home Inspections. Jordan has a much bigger mindset than just home inspections. It's in the name, Jordan wants to inspire upcoming generations that you can do anything you put your mind too. In time Jordan plans to host his own networking and business development groups. His focus is building a stronger community no matter what you do. We all face our own trials and tribulations but it's a matter of always taking the next steps forward and that is what Jordan has done.

"Pain = Purpose"- Jordan Weidle 

Tune into this weeks WorthWhile Spotlight to learn more about Jordan and who he is. In this episode we cover flipping your mindset, embracing struggles, and enjoying wins.






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