The WorthWhile Spotlight #15 ft. Vencent Hickerson (BIGG VINNY)

The WorthWhile Spotlight #15 ft. Vencent Hickerson (BIGG VINNY)

Meet Vencent a.k.a BIGG VINNY,

Owner of Buffalo River Resort, member of the Trailer Choir band, and a personal trainer, Vinny is a living example of what is means to be WorthWhile. From losing 200+ pounds on season 12 of The Biggest Loser, to being signed by Toby Keith and experiencing touring without pay, Vinny has always taken every opportunity head on and made the best of what he had. He has an amazing story and strives to be the best version of himself everyday.  


Tune into this weeks episode of The WorthWhile Spotlight to learn more about BIGG VINNY and his story in life thus far.





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