The WorthWhile Spotlight #13 ft. Ethan Eilermann

The WorthWhile Spotlight #13 ft. Ethan Eilermann

Meet Ethan,

Ethan is the founder and brains behind the local over the counter sandwich shop Ollie & Finns, located on the second level of the Columbia Arts Building. Ethan has been in the restaurant industry for most of his life, learning and growing his personal skills throughout different positions in the industry, from cooking, managing, bartending, creating specials etc. His years of experience have led him up to opening his own restaurant, quitting his job, and going all in. A risk not everyone is willing to take. That risk has paid off thus far, as word continues to spread through the community about how amazing & unique their food is, as well as, how friendly and personable Ethan and his staff are. 


Tune into this weeks WorthWhile Spotlight to learn more about Ethan and who he is. In this episode we talk about the process of starting Ollie & Finns, pre-restaurant life, and more!






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