The WorthWhile Spotlight #12 ft. Wrenn Michelle

The WorthWhile Spotlight #12 ft. Wrenn Michelle

Meet Wrenn,

Wrenn is awesome. You should get to know Wrenn! Some of you may know her as the former face of The Faded Farmhouse. After growing and moving forward from the faded farmhouse, she took some time to really discover who she is. The process of getting to know oneself isn't necessary a "fun" or "easy" path to take. It involves questioning and re-learning yourself, discovering what moves you, emotions, dealing conscious or subconscious trauma, etc. Then comes the love, understanding, inner peace, and self-worth. During her journey of self-awareness Wrenn found guidance through experiencing life coaching, sound healing, and diving into the world of spirituality. After her experience she quickly wanted to help others grow and learn how to become the best versions of themselves as well. Now a certified intuitive life coach, Wrenn has opened up a local sound healing mediation studio in town called: The Frequency Collective. For those who may not know, sound healing is a form of therapy that uses certain aspects of music to improve physical and emotional health and well being. 


Tune into this weeks WorthWhile Spotlight to learn more about Wrenn and who she is. In this episode we sound healing, self-awareness, and energy.






The Frequency Collective:

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